A First Pres warm welcome to you!

Maybe you are a life-long Presbyterian who just moved to town. Maybe you have never been to church before. Maybe it's been a long time since you've been to a church and you are afraid the roof might cave in! Don't worry, we understand! First Pres strives to welcome all visitors, even those that might be a little apprehensive. We know you might have some questions, so here are some things that might make it a little less scary for you.
What should I wear? Clothes. There is no dress code at First Pres. Some of us feel comfortable in a suit and tie, others of us feel comfortable in jeans, t-shirts, and flip-flops. However you feel most comfortable, you are welcome!
When should I show up? Worship is at 10:15 a.m. during the school year, and at 9:30 a.m. during the summer, but you are going to want to show up a little earlier because we have a fantastic fellowship time right before church. Free coffee (really good coffee!) and treats are available as you chat and get to know others. And make sure to tell the greeters that you are a first time guest. You get a free gift!!
What about Sunday School? We offer Sunday School for all ages during the school year. We begin our morning at 8:45 with Children's Choir, and then Sunday School classes begin at 9:00 a.m. We offer classes for children age 3 through High School, as well as various adult classes. We also provide free childcare during Sunday School for children under three so that their parents can attend Sunday School.
What do I do with my kids during church? There are several of options for parents of young children. An upstairs nursery is available (ages 5 and under) that overlooks the sanctuary for those parents who prefer to stay with their children (adult supervision is required and volunteers can fill in if needed) and we offer a Children's Worship Room off the Sanctuary. We welcome kids during worship (even ones that don't sit still!), but we understand that it is sometimes hard for parents with small children to focus during worship.
If you wish to bring your children to worship, coloring kits are available as you enter the sanctuary. As part of our regular worship service, the Pastor gives a "children's moment" about 15 minutes into the service. It is customary for children of regular members to stay in worship until the children's moment, and then go upstairs to play. But there are no rules - do whatever works best for your family!
Where do I sit? Wherever you like! We don't have assigned seats. : )
What can I expect from the worship service? Worship at First Pres is a very unique experience. Our worship services are hard to categorize...they are a blend of traditional and contemporary elements that would be best described as "modern" worship. We have a choir...and a praise team. We sing hymns...and contemporary Christian music. The only way to really understand how amazing worshiping God can be is to join us!
How do I get involved? If you are interested in getting involved with First Pres, just let us know!
If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us at 815-692-2963 or [email protected].
We hope to see you soon!!
First Presbyterian Church 101 E Elm St. Fairbury, IL 61739